Prevent Diabetes

Simple Measures to Prevent Diabetes

Keeping your Weight under Control, being Enthusiastic, and eating a Healthy Diet can help prevent most cases of Type-2 Diabetes.

If Type-2 Diabetes were a Contagious Disease passed from person to person, Public Health Officials would say we are in the midst of an Epidemic. This Severe Disease is affecting an increasing number of grown-ups and, with childhood obesity at its peak, it is becoming more usual among young people, especially in Explicit Ethnic Groups (more on diabetes including other types and risk factors).

The Good News is that Prediabetes and Type-2 Diabetes are largely preventable with lifestyle changes. These same modifications can also reduce the chances of evolving Heart Disease and some Cancers. The key to precaution can be totted up in five words:

 “Stay Lean and Stay Vigorous”

What if I already have Diabetes?

Guidelines for Preventing or Lessening the risk of developing Type-2 Diabetes are also appropriate if you are currently Diagnosed with Diabetes. Attaining a Healthy Weight, a Proportional Diet with Controlled Carbohydrates, and Regular Exercise help improve Blood Glucose Control.

If you take Insulin Medication, You may need more or fewer Carbohydrates in a Meal or Snack to keep your Blood Glucose in a Healthy range.

There may also be Unique Dietary Needs for Exercise, such as bringing a snack so your Blood Glucose doesn’t drop too low. Get specific advice about scenarios like these from your Diabetes Care Team, who are the best resource for managing your type of diabetes.

Simple steps to Reduce Risk


  • Control Your Weight

Control Weight

Being Overweight is one of the most important reasons for Type-2 Diabetes. Being Overweight boosts the chances of developing Type-2 Diabetes seven times. Being obese makes you 20 to 40 times more likely to Develop Diabetes than someone of a healthy weight.

Losing Weight can help if your weight is above a Healthy Weight Range. Losing 7-10% of your current weight can cut your chances of evolving Type-2 Diabetes in half.



  • Get Moving – and Turn off the TV
Turn off tv

Inactivity Promotes Type-2 DiabetesMore Routine Muscle Loading and Exertion Improve their ability to use Insulin and absorb Glucose. This puts less stress on the Cells that Produce Insulin. So swap some of your sessions for a convenient time.

Long Bouts of Hot, Sweaty exercise aren’t necessary to Reap this Benefit. Findings from the Nurses’ Health Study and follow-up studies by health professionals suggest that a brisk half-hour walk each day Reduces the Risk of Developing Type-2 Diabetes by 30%

This amount of exercise has several Other Benefits as well. And even greater Cardiovascular and other Benefits can be attained with increasingly Enthusiastic Exercise.


Watching TV appears to be a particularly harmful form of inactivity:

Every two hours you consume watching TV instead of doing something more active increases your chance of Developing Diabetes by 20%; it also increases the risk of Heart Disease (15%) and Premature Death (13%).

The more Television people watch, the more likely they are to be Overweight or Obese, and this appears to partially explain the Association between Television viewing and Diabetes. Some of these relationships may also explain Unhealthy Eating Habits associated with Television viewing.



  • Adjust Your Meal Menu
Healhy Diet

Four Dietary Changes can Significantly affect your Risk of Type-2 Diabetes.

  1. Choose Whole Grain Products rather than Refined Grains and other highly Processed Carbohydrates
  2. Skip Sugary Drinks and Opt for water, coffee, or tea
  3. Choose Healthy Fats
  4. Choose Nuts, Beans, Whole Grains, Poultry, or Fish instead of Red Meat

  • No smoking

No Smoking

Add Type-2 Diabetes to the long list of Smoking-Related Health Problems and the Risk is even higher for Heavy Smokers.


In Addition to Individual Behavior

Type-2 Diabetes is largely preventable by taking a few simple steps:   Keeping your Weight under Control, Exercising More, Eating a Healthy Diet, and Not Smoking.

However, the Burden of Conduct change cannot fall entirely on the individual. Families, Schools, Workplaces, Health Care Providers, Communities, the Media, the Food Industry, and the Government must work together to make Healthy Preferences easy.